Control flow


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int x = 1;
    if(x > 0) 
        cout << "Positive number" << endl;
    else if(x < 0)
        cout << "Negative number" << endl;
        cout << "Zero" << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        cout << i << "*" << i << "=" << i*i << endl;        

    int t = 10;
    while(t < 100)
        t += t/2;
    cout << t << endl;

    t = 0;
        cout << t << endl;
        t += 2;
    }while(t <= 10);

    int age = 15;
    if(age <= 12)
        cout << "A child" << endl;
    else if(age <= 19)
        cout << "A teenage at the age of " << age << endl;
        cout << "An adult at the age of " << age << endl;

Rust :

fn main()
    let x = 1;
    if x > 0 
        println!("Positive number");
    else if x < 0 
        println!("Negative number");

    for i in 0..10
        println!("{}*{}={}", i, i, i*i);

    let mut t = 10;
    while t < 100 
        t += t/2;
    println!("{}", t);

    t = 0;
        println!("{}", t);
        t += 2;
        if !(t <= 10) 

    let age = 15;
    match age
        0...12  => println!("A child"),
        n @ 13...19 => println!("A teenage at the age of {}", n),
        n      => println!("An adult at the age of {}", n)

Most of flow control syntax in C++ and Rust are similar, besides, Rust does not require parentheses in condition clauses. Rust match syntax is more flexible than C++ switch/case syntax (which is not shown in this example).

results matching ""

    No results matching ""